Introducing to you... 

The Sacred Money & Power Membership

Merging Your Mind, Body and Money to Unleash Your Inner Power.


Connect with your power, intuition & other ambitious women to live your purpose & up your earnings.

After doing 2 years of work of changing my relationship with money, getting myself out of a bad financial situation and saving tens of thousands of dollars, there were still some ways that I felt stuck.


Really stuck.


I wasn’t consistently (or easily) earning money in the way that set my soul on fire (despite trying). 😞


I was tirelessly working on my ‘dream’, yet not getting very far with it.


And you know what, sometimes I was getting far with my vision, but I didn’t feel like it so I’d always eventually end up sabotaging my way back to where I started - driven by a sense of not feeling good enough despite my achievements.


I constantly came up against self-doubt that it made doing the work I loved very difficult.


At times I felt massively motivated but most of the time I felt totally lost and confused - always looking outside of myself for the answer on how to fix this problem.


I felt alone, afraid of being stuck here forever and like I must be the only one that struggled with growing my earnings from my purpose work and owning it.


The truth was, I was terrified that I didn’t have it in me to create the deeply fulfilling, impactful career and income that I dreamed of. 


I was really terrified that I didn’t really have innate gifts, talents and abilities and that my visions were a pipe dream.


(Can you relate??)

I was constantly trying every new ‘in’ marketing, business or personal development strategy...


So I did course after course after course, convinced each one was the one I needed to suddenly become successful and rid all feelings of doubt and lack.


Spoiler alert, none did. 


Not to mention I didn’t even follow through on half the strategies either because a) it was totally against my flow or b) I couldn’t overcome the self doubt and self stabage that would inevitably arise.


Working longer and harder...


Surely I was just being too lazy and not putting in the hours, right? 


So I tried just working harder. Longer, harder, more. 


I worked evenings and weekends, a lot(!) to try to get ahead and make my dream career a reality… but all that did was make me burnt out and kill my creative mojo.


But what about life altering sharmanic/ plant medicine ceremonies that help you see the ‘truth’ and change your life forever?


I did all sorts of shamanic ceremonies, looking for *that breakthrough* that would finally make everything click - you know, I’d suddenly transformed and all my worries, challenges and difficulties would be transformed...


Spoiler alert, I had amazing breakthrough experiences, but then I still went back to the same old patterns of self doubt and self sabotage 😞.



Not only did these things not work, but they started to erode my belief that something would… and that was probably the worst part.


The problem was, I wasn’t connected to my power or my truth because I was so busy trying to be what I thought I needed to be to make it in the outside world.


At the end of the day, how you do one thing is how you do everything. 


This didn’t just affect what was happening in my career, this affected my entire sense of self which affected everything.


I don’t like to admit it but it affected my friendships, how connected I stayed with friends, who I felt worthy of being friends with…


It affected my health. Feeling some level of background worry or fear about my viability in the world left me feeling fatigued and flat.


And it just plain affected my ability to enjoy life. How can you let go and enjoy life when you’re feeling not ok where you are?


The good news is it didn’t stay this way. 😌

This all finally started to change when I started to apply embodiment & sacred sexuality work to my relationship to money and even more specifically, my work in the world ⚡.


Having a consistent way to get to the operating system to heal what’s stopping you, elevate you into a creative state and connect with your true self - your true genius & intuition… that’s something that does work!


My stuck-ness seriously started to shift when I started to apply, of all things, sacred sexuality practices to my career. 


Through this, I started to access my *true* inner power.


Now you might be thinking ‘wtf does sexuality have to do with money’.


You see, the bottom line of what drives a lot of your behaviour is what gets activated in your nervous system.


Here we can find the imprinting of our patterns, blocks, any past trauma, fears etc.

Sacred sexuality practices are an incredible way that you can access that operating system and integrate unintegrated neural nets (ie your blocks).


Not only that, the practices are a powerful way to enter into high vibrational, creative states.


Through these practices, I learned how to discover the deep unconscious blocks that sabotaged me and to slowly integrate them. 


I started to experience incredible clarity and ‘knowing’ what to do next - no more guess, doubting, looking outside of myself - or looking for someone else to tell me ‘the way’.


I started to flow with life.


What did this look like?


Well, to my amazement, my income started to go up without conscious effort, force or strategy. 🤯😍


Not only was I was making more money but I was starting and executing new projects, my health and energy levels improved threefold and I felt calm, focused and full of deep trust for the future.


And best of all, my self-doubt subsided and natural confidence arose that made taking action easy and effortless (for the most part 😉).


In short, my life did a total 180.


To me, this is the really deep internal work that’s so transformative because you’re not just working on yourself through your prefrontal cortex (your conscious mind), you’re accessing and working with more of your system and body-mind.



For the past 18 months, I’ve been starting to use this work in my higher-level programs and I have to say, I’ve been completely blown away at how my clients have not only been loving it, but asking me for more.



This membership is designed to help you connect with your own inner power and intuition AND LIVE FROM IT.


It’s designed to help you live in your own financial flow, to integrate money blocks stored in your body/ unconscious that stop you from going for what you’d really want - so that you’re free to choose what you want and take action towards it. 


This membership is designed to support you to uplevel your finances and your career as a woman with the support of other women.


This membership is not a money management or strategy program.



Instead, it’s about;

  • Getting to the core of what holds you back with money and sharing your gifts with the world, 

  • Integrating that so it no longer holds you back, and 

  • Elevating your state to where your passion, ideas and creativity live… 

  • All in a supportive container with other like minded badass boss babes here to make moves and shake up the world.


(It’s an access-your-inner-power-and-slay-the-world kinda program 😉).



How this membership does that;

  • We get to the core of what drives your behaviour and work with the nervous system to integrate your deep money blocks that hold you back.

  • We have ongoing practices (living from your power is a daily choice, not a break-through experience that sets you up for life - this is the mistake so many people make!)

  • Utilise your sensual and sexual energy for rapid transformation and tapping into the source of your power.

  • Use practices that elevate your state to where you literally have greater brain connectivity and access inspired ideas and emotions that drive positive action.

  • Harness the power of doing all of this in a community of other like minded women; owning your desires, sharing your vulnerability and celebrating your wins.


By doing this membership you will learn to tap into the inner resources to connect with your deepest truth, power and intuition - neutralise your blocks, freeing you up to put yourself out into the world and open yourself to your financial flow.



  • Sex Magic Embodiment Rituals

    These rituals are so potent and so powerful that originally this membership was just going to consist of a monthly ritual! These regular practices support you to regularly peel back and release layers of conditioning around your sexuality and money (aka your power!) as to remove money blocks, connect to your personal gifts intuition and open to receiving. They are a deep spiritual practice, just like meditating, except going through the body and utilising your life force energy, literally your essence, to integrate, clear and ELEVATE. They are magic!

  • Daily Power Practice

    The secret to living from your power on a daily basis is to activate it on a daily basis. Every two months you’ll get a new power practice to do daily for those two months and integrate into your life. These practices all work on different areas in your nervous system to strengthen and activate your personal power and confidence.

  • Connection calls

    Wanna know what’s even more powerful than doing money work on your own? Doing it surrounded by like minded women who celebrate you when you’re shining, hold you in your deepest challenges and share vulnerably their own journey. This is a guided space for you to talk about money and share your fears, desires, challenges and wins.

  • Community Forum

  • Monthly journal prompts

    Journaling is a very powerful integration and self discovery tool. Every month you’ll be given a short list of journal prompts to help deepen your process of discovering what holds you back and receive your own inner guidance as well as to integrate the practices from the membership and UP LEVEL my dear.

  • Suggested reading list

    I know you LOVE learning and I know you might be curious about how you can learn even more about accessing your sexual pleasure and power as well as getting your manifesting and money mojo on point! For this reason I’ve included a suggested reading list of the best books in the field from experts I hold in high regard.









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I signed up for the membership because I'd seen the power of combining embodiment practices with real and measurable financial improvements in Alex's other work (Wealth Worthy Journey and Money Mastermind). When the opportunity came up for monthly connection calls and rituals I jumped at it. Since working with Alex I've gained the confidence to increase my contracting day rate by over $300, grown my savings by over $20,000 and re-negotiated my salary for the better twice. 


The membership is truly amazing. Alex creates a welcoming space to connect with other women and level up together. When I think about the other women on the connection calls it's incredible to see how far we've all come. I'd definitely recommend this membership for anyone that's sick of feeling sick about money and is ready to actually do something about it.

Suzie Cathro, Qualitative researcher and human centred designer

“This membership has added a regular dose of fun, sisterhood, and focus on professional growth to my life over the last 6 months. I appreciate Alex's ability to bridge practical strategies for financial management with the mystical which makes it more enjoyable and enlivening.


The kind of women she attracts - who are smart, heart-centered and creative - is a big draw for me too and I've made lots of new friends through doing her work. In addition to significantly increasing my income and changing jobs to work at a company I really like, I've also started to get a handle on my overspending habits this year by looking at the subconscious drivers of that impulse to spend, and setting up boundaries around it (aka separate bank accounts for different purposes).


The work we do is deep and broad, magical and inspiring. My cup is filled up by spending time with these women and Alex, and I look forward to it every two weeks. Especially during these scary and isolating times, I recommend it to women as a form of financial and spiritual self-care. This Membership is good for the soul."

Rosa, Account Manager (Tech sales)

I’m starting my 5th month in the SMP membership and am so grateful for the blossoming that has begun within me since starting!


I had shut down my sexuality and femininity years ago after a difficult time in my life. I was looking for something to connect me back to being a woman and all the pleasures we have available to us. With this membership, I feel safe, heard, connected, empowered and held.


It has really allowed abundance in many areas of my life, not only with myself as a woman, but also financial abundance in a career I adore. Thank you for allowing me this space to come to you to discover more about myself.

Kristyn, Kinesiologist

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few answers to my most common questions

  • When does this start?

    Right away! Once you sign up you’ll get instant access to all the welcome and set up material and on the 1st of March (in a few days) you'll receive your log in details for the portal and access to the content as well as the community chat group.

  • How much time do I need to dedicate to the program?

    Two hours for the calls per month and then ideally 5-10mins per day for your daily power practice. That’s it! I’ve designed this membership to be super manageable, minimal content and all about living and doing the practices!

    You may choose to dedicate more time than this if you have it by repeating the live ritual via the recording once or two before our next live ritual (which I highly recommend if you do have the time) and setting aside time for introspection with the monthly journal prompts and reflects after the ritual.

  • Sexuality work is all very new to me - will this be suitable for me?

    Absolutely. I guide you through everything you need to know for the practices and you’ll probably be surprised at how easy and natural it starts to feel in a relatively short amount of time. Everything is done in the privacy of your own space and there’s no requirement to share your experiences with others unless you’d like to. And you’re also invited to go completely at your own pace, you won’t be rushed into anything.

  • I want help with money management too - is this covered?

    No, this membership doesn’t cover practical money management strategies - however the membership does support you doing them. Most women in this membership use my Abundance Planner & Tracker and all do work on that side of things too, even though it’s not the scope of this membership.

  • What if I can’t make the live ritual(s)?

    It’s no problem if you can’t make any of the live calls, they will be recorded and the recording will be uploaded to the membership portal where you can watch them in your own time.

  • Do I need to have a partner to do sexuality practices with?

    No, all of the practices in this membership are solo. This is about your empowerment and tapping into your own inner power, healing, wisdom & magnetism.

  • How long do I have access to the call recordings and power practices?

    You have access to each Power Practice for the entirety of the month it’s in and you can download the guided audio to use forever. Once we switch over to the Power Practice (bimonthly), the previous Power Practice will be taken down and the next uploaded. You’ll have access to all live call recordings for one month. You have access to the portal for as long as your membership remains active. If you cancel your membership, your access to the portal will terminate when your final month ends.

  • What if I want to cancel the membership? Am I locked in?

    Your membership runs month to month, meaning you can cancel at any time and you will continue to have access to the membership until the last month you paid for ends. There are no refunds for payments you’ve already made. To cancel simply give 5 days notice from the time of your next billing.

  • I’m a bit nervous - I don’t really know what I’m getting myself into?

    Great! You’re in good hands my dear. It’s quite normal to feel that way. This has been a hugely suppressed part of our very ‘head’ oriented culture and I can’t wait to share this very empowering way of knowing and working with yourself with you!! You will absolutely feel safe, held and supported in this space. This is deeply transformational work.

  • I have some sexual trauma, would you recommend this training for me?

    This in not a trauma specific container although it is trauma informed and you're always welcome to bring what's coming up for you to the group or Alex. This membership is not a substitute for professional trauma therapy although may be supportive to your process in healing from trauma. It's up to you to gauge the level of support that you need and ensure you get the professional care that meets your needs.


The membership for me has been great! 


My favourite part is the connection call. Being in the same room with an amazing and inspiring group of women lifts my spirit. Being heard and being able to express what I am feeling and going through feels amazing! The prompts and questions that Alex gives us are great to get me reflecting on things that might be going on and they get me inspired to feel better and set intentions. 


I have adopted great daily habits from being in the membership, such as self positive talks in front of the mirror, breast massages and finding something to brag about every day.

Catalina Gonzalez, Happiness ambassador

I absolutely LOVED this membership. From the monthly pdfs and journaling prompts. It is beautifully streamlined and succinct. Not only does it come with super powerful live ritual practices and connection calls to keep us accountable and on track, Alex also provides us with very attainable daily practices.


This is a community of like-minded women supporting each other to rise and thrive into their queendom through using their pleasure and intention.


Alex's approach is soft, nurturing, compassionate and non-judgemental.

Shoshana Sadia, Empowerment + Menstrual Guide

I joined this membership to find a safe space I could explore the connection with my body, my own energy, money and sexuality. I felt disconnected and lacking purpose for a while and didn’t know how to get out of it. I wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin and find out why I always felt disinterested and lacked passion in my life.


By joining the membership I felt like I found a group of women I could completely be myself with, say whatever I needed to say without any feedback, judgement or advice! I loved our check in calls. It’s so nice hearing other peoples experiences, struggles and wins. I never felt alone in the work we were doing. 


The daily practices really helped me see where I was avoiding parts of my own body, especially since having my daughter and I can see now how that translates to feeling blocked/lost in other areas of my life. 


It was refreshing to do something that had me dancing around my room and feeling pleasure in a way I had never explored solo before. Alex has an amazing way of creating fun, yet deeply interesting content to enjoy! 

I would definitely recommend this membership.

Sam Ackroyd, Health & Wellness Mentor

What's it worth to you to know how to realign when blocks come up and live from your total innate magnificence?


  • 1x monthly live online Sex Magic Ritual

  • Daily Power Practices with 5-10 mins guided audios

  • 1x monthly live online Connection Call

  • WhatsApp community chat

  • Monthly journal prompts

  • Suggested reading list



If you feel now is the time to get LIT UP from the inside and set you Money Mojo on fire, then say YES and join The Sacred Money & Power Membership today.









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