
The Abundance Planner and Tracker

Designed to help self-employed badasses like you feel empowered by your personal finances.


Oh, and it’s only $97   $47 AUD!

The Abundance Planner and Tracker is a money planning and tracking spreadsheet that enables you to see where your money goes and track how you spend it, even when your income varies each month. It’s an all-in-one system, designed to overhaul the way you see money. 



Here’s how it helped small business owner Jane:

“My biggest hesitation in buying The Abundance Planner & Tracker was ‘would it benefit me?’. After one month of using the Abundance Planner & Tracker it has changed OMG EVERYTHING in my finance and mindset about money. I know to the cent how much I owe, I have a plan in place to pay off everything (except my mortgage) ASAP.”

Jane Simpson, Owner of HiBrows

So...your finances are a hot mess 🤯 


The thought of even opening up your banking app makes you want to curl up in a ball and never come out. It’s okay. I’ve been there.


You don’t know where all your money goes, or how you’re meant to hold on until your next invoice is paid off 🤷💸 


You thought that self-employed life would bring you more financial freedom, but right now it’s just seems like more stress.



Managing my money hasn’t always been easy for me. Four years ago I was sitting on my couch, frozen.


My heart was beating hard against my chest and I had just come to the most terrifying realisation of my life.


I was completely out of money 🙅‍♀️


No savings left. No real income. And no idea what to do.


I felt ashamed and so so scared. How had I gotten here?


What happened to the financial success I expected? What happened to living life on my own terms? Was that all a lie? Would I have to go back to doing something I hated, a slave to someone else?


Just six months before I’d left my highly paid corporate job to embark on my dream career as a business owner. I’d done everything the online gurus had told me, believed in myself the whole way and it still hadn’t paid off.

Once I got over the terror of the situation, my rational mind finally kicked back in and as if from somewhere deep within a single thought flashed through my mind;


💡 “I. will. figure. this. out.”


I knew that I had to take action, so I started tracking and planning absolutely everything. When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. I recorded every single cent.


At first I saved $1,000, then $5,000 and - within the year - I had $30,000 in my savings again (without a full-time job or a successful business).


But, far more importantly than that, I felt in control again. That sense of fear around opening up my banking app? Never EVER again!


That’s when I knew I had created a system that was too good to keep to myself. And so the Abundance Planner and Tracker was born.




It’s time to stop spending your energy worrying about your finances and start investing that time back in YOU again! You can manage your ever-changing income like the badass boss that you are, you just need a little help along the way.


As creative business owners, we want to feel in control of everything. 


I’m gonna go ahead and guess that you became self-employed because you have a skill or a passion you want to share with the world, not because you wanted to become an office manager, finance director, marketing expert, sales manager and entrepreneur ALONGSIDE delivering your product or service.


It’s pretty overwhelming, right?


Money slips through your fingers, the idea of restrictive budgeting makes you want to poke your eyes out and you’ve realised that cheesy affirmations don’t deposit dollars in the bank 😞


You dream of the day that you actually get EXCITED to check your account balance. A day when you know that your savings are on target for that trip overseas you’ve been imagining for so long. A day where you feel proud of your finances, because you know what expenses are coming up and how you’re going to handle them. A day when you feel in control of your money.


But you’re wondering “how do I even start?!” 🤯


Let me give you a hand. Financial freedom really is within your grasp.


All it takes is 4 minutes a day. That’s it. And I’ll show you exactly how to put this to work in your life.

It’s not YOU, it’s simply that you don’t have a system.


That’s why I’m offering you instant access to my Abundance Planner & Tracker worth $97 (legit, it’s sold on my main website for $97) but, because we’re friends, I’m offering it to you for only $47 AUD (appox $33 USD)!



The Abundance Planner and Tracker is a money planning and tracking spreadsheet that enables you to see where your money goes and track how you spend it. You’re able to create a budget that aligns with your values and goals, whilst working towards savings targets that are actually ACHIEVABLE.


Unlike other apps or tools you might have seen, The Abundance Planner & Tracker helps you actually build your relationship with your money, make mindset shifts and permanently change habits. 


You’ll get on track and STAY on track as you start approaching your finances from a place of abundance, not lack.

“I was repeating the same pattern with debt and always had a general feeling of 'just keeping my head above water' with money. The Abundance Planner & Tracker has been a total game-changer for me. I seriously think everyone needs one of these! Somehow, after really tracking what I am spending and taking some time to plan, I was able to save $900 in just over 3 months.”



When you purchase the Abundance Planner and Tracker, you get so much more than just a snazzy easy to use spreadsheet. I’ve pulled together some of my favourite tried and tested tools so that you have everything you need to say goodbye to money worries once and for all.



For just $97   $47, you’ll get:


  • The Planner and Tracker Spreadsheet (available in Google Sheets or Excel) where you’ll be tracking all your ingoings and outgoings

  • The Goals Sheet so that you create realistic goals based on real data from your income and expenses

  • My Go to Glossary, so that you can avoid all that financial jargon confusion

  • A Summary Table to give you a snapshot of how you’re progressing towards your goals in real time

  • A How to Video guiding you through exactly how it works and how to start using your Abundance Planner and Tracker on Google Sheets, or Excel, so you can budget like a pro!

  • A How to Video to help you customise your Abundance Planner and Tracker so that it works for you and your lifestyle

  • A Training Video showing you how to make your money tracking a ritual and get turn it into a soul nourishing habit



Because I’m SO excited about guiding you to financial freedom, I want to give you everything you need to overcome any hurdles you may face along the way 🚧


That’s why I’m including these three budget-busting bonuses for you, usually only available to my coaching clients:


The Abundance Planner and Tracker


So you can manage your personal finances and business cash flow side-by-side.


Setting Winning Money Goals Workbook

Your goals should be as unique as you are. My Goals Workbook is here to help you create goals that are achievable for you.


Your Best Life Budget Calculator

Stop dreaming and start turning your fantasies into reality by defining it in real numbers that you can actually hit. This is your first step in making your dreams, real life.


“It feels so nice to actually see money in accounts titled ‘Holiday’ and ‘House Deposit’. I even found myself getting weekly massages because I had allocated it before time. This way I could enjoy the massage rather than feeling guilty for spending money I thought I didn’t have!”

Sam Ackroyd, Health & Wellness Coach



You deserve to have growing savings accounts, nice things you value and high money vibes 💰


Never again worry whether you have enough, if your card’s going to go through or be declined. Stop dreaming about your goals and start turning them into a reality. Yes, it IS possible for you!


Become that powerhouse leader with;

  • A clear vision of where your finances are now, where you want to get to and exactly what you need to do to get there

  • An honest transparent relationship with your numbers

  • A clear path and roadmap to creating your dream lifestyle 

  • A sense of calm, because you know you’re going to achieve your goals




Honey, I know you’re scared of failing. You’ve tried so many things, how will this be any different?


That’s exactly how I felt, all those years ago. I was stuck on my couch and I didn’t know what to do. But I took ACTION and it’s changed my life forever, and I know it can change yours too.


You’re not alone in this. It’s time to stop procrastinating and start working towards those goals of yours. Because I know you’re worth so much more than a lifetime of fear. Let’s work towards that joy for you, okay?



The Abundance Planner & Tracker comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee 💯. My hope is that your life is forever transformed with this system for planning and tracking your money.


Whilst I can’t guarantee a specific outcome for you, I can guarantee your satisfaction with the Abundance Planner & Tracker and the time and stress it will save you.


So here’s my promise to you. If you’re not happy with the Abundance Planner & Tracker, I will refund 100% of your money within 30 days of your purchase. All I ask is that you send me a copy of your Abundance Planner and Tracker which you’ve tried to use, or explain to me what’s not working for you about it to ensure it’s an authentic satisfaction issue. Pretty neat right?

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few answers to my most common questions

  • What if I’ve never used a spreadsheet, or I’m not tech savvy?

    That’s okay! I’ve designed the Abundance Planner & Tracker so that you can make the most of this even if you’ve never used a spreadsheet before. My training videos are here to guide you through every step of the way. All the big complicated formulas are already done and it really is just plug and play!

  • I have an accountant for my business, will this still help me?

    The Abundance Planner & Tracker is totally different from the work your business’s accountant does. It’ll help you plan, track and visualise your money. You’ll be getting real time data on your money habits, behaviours and patterns so that you can start changing them for the better!


    This is about you working towards your goals, guiding your day to day money decisions, seeing exactly where you stand, what you need and what’s required for the next level. It’s a real time tool that helps you start changing your money habits and mindset.

  • What if I don’t know my current expenses?

    That’s exactly what the Abundance Planner & Tracker was designed to calculate for you. No knowledge of your expenses is required. You’ll start by tracking everything you spend and then making a budget from there. I’ll guide you through this in the training videos.

  • I’m not good with numbers, will it work for me?

    Yep! This works regardless of if you’re good at numbers or not. I’ve made it super straightforward and many many people who think they’re bad with numbers have told me that they love it!

  • What if I never follow through on things?

    That’s annoying isn’t it? My comment to you is that you have to get committed!! At the end of the day, honey, it comes down what you’re committed to. Are you committed to being the powerful badass boss woman you were born to be who definitely has her money sh** together? I think you are. Tap into this ‘why’, tap into why it’s important to you and you’ll do it. Show yourself you’re committed to stepping up and making a change.

  • But I don’t know how much I’m going to earn each month?

    PERFECT. This was literally DESIGNED for you. Babe, the full magic of the Abundance Planner & Tracker is that it’s designed for people like you, who have an income that varies from month to month. You’re gonna LOVE this, it will change your life!

  • Do I need to be earning a certain amount to use it?

    The Abundance Planner & Tracker works for ALL incomes. It’ll help you be ultra-efficient with the money you do have and know exactly what to buy, or what not to, because you’ll have total clarity over all of your expenses. 


    I created this when I had barely any income, so that I could see exactly where I stood and what I needed to change to get where I wanted. I also often find that once people start using the Abundance Planner & Tracker, they realise they have more they thought they did.

  • What if looking at money gives me anxiety?

    I hear you. Money can be a really heavy area of your life to look at. Stop. Breathe. It’s going to take courage to start with, but I promise you’ll quickly experience LESS anxiety as you know exactly where you’re money is going, what you need and how you’re going to make it all easily fit together. There is nothing more peaceful than clarity. Clarity gives you power.

  • Is there a guarantee?

    Hells yes! Girl, if you don’t love this I don’t want your money (although let’s be honest, I’m pretty sure you’re gonna love it). I have a 100% satisfaction guarantee - so if at any time within the first 30 days after purchase you decide it’s not for you, you can request a refund. But you have to promise me that you’ll try it first. Deal?

  • Money management always sounds complicated. Won’t it take a lot of time?

    The Abundance Planner & Tracker is here to UNcomplicate everything for you! All you have to do is set aside a couple of minutes each day to log what you spent, and what you received. Then you’ll look at the big picture at the end of each month, whilst planning out your next. It’s all very straight forward.



So, you’ve made it all the way down here. Let me tell you something. If it was possible for me, with no job, near no income, an empty savings account and zero plan, to change my life with the Abundance Planner & Tracker, then it’s MORE THAN possible for you too!


Every journey starts with a single step. Let’s take the first one here, today. I’m right here with you ✨


Deep breath. Are you ready? I believe in you. Let’s go.